is a service based in Florida, USA
How it works
Type your needs in the search box to get the best results.
Choose from popular dJobs and pick your favorite one.
Pay through our safe and reliable system. And get stuff done by people who love what they do.
To do that, we developed a conversion-centered design for In, a user has both roles as a buyer and a seller. focuses on matching the people looking for a service with the most suitable providers.
On, we call a dental service or a product as “dJob.”
On the dJob listing page, buyers can browse dJobs with no confusion. We display each dJob as a block with well-organized information. Buyers can know which dJob is suitable for their needs based on the image, description, ratings, and status of each dJob. Besides, the Buyer can also view the related dJobs using the advance filter (by category, tag, or rating) without reloading the site. offers an informative dJob detail page with a detailed service description, intuitive sample pictures, actual order numbers, and reliable ratings/reviews. This precision level helps the users to learn about a dJob better before deciding to order. Buyers can also view and select the extra tasks of a dJob so that buyers can make sure it matches their needs.
Smooth & Clear Purchase & Delivery Progress
To encourage more purchases, buyers can place an order even before creating an account. We also understand how important communication is in the purchase process to help both sides comprehend the scope of work and stimulate the outcome results.
Therefore, besides adding the “order extra services” feature, offers a communication system that allows buyers and sellers to discuss directly and receive notifications whenever they have new messages. Thus, they can constantly communicate until the provider finishes the ordered dJob.
With a simple checkout interface, no login required, and a highlighted call-to-action button, buyers will be more eager to complete their orders. also supports users in changing order information at checkout.
When a customer places an order, with a tracking order system, buyers and sellers can easily monitor the status of a dJob (Pending, Active, Late, Delivered, Finished, Disputing, or Disputed). Each level relates closely to the Purchase & Payment Flows, which we will clarify more below.
Get Things Done in The Best Way aims to bring satisfaction to both buyers and sellers and keep them staying longer on your website because we understand that successful user interactions and transactions will stimulate the growth of your website.
Once a seller finishes his dJob and delivers it to the Buyer, the Buyer can accept the work and change the status of dJob to Order Finished; then, he can write a review for that Seller. If unhappy with the job, he may send a dispute request to the Admin.
For Buyers, helps them monitor all dJobs easily. Sellers can change the status of a dJob (active, pause, or archived) based on their schedule. For example, when a buyer pauses a dJob, it won’t be available for orders, so he will be able to handle the workload and keep his reputation.
Trust and Quality offers you a safe & reliable payment system. payment system is integrated with the order tracking system, ensuring the synchronization between user interactions and admin controls for transactions.
Integrated means you can control every transaction on your website with a visual interface. Besides, with an interactive dashboard, users can choose their preferred payment method, monitor their revenue, or send a withdrawal request conveniently. allows you to ensure each transaction’s safety and the users’ benefits.
Let’s look at this example for a better understanding of the flow:
Buyer orders a dJob:
When the Buyer successfully places an order, he transfers the money through a payment gateway to the admin account. The order status is changed from Pending to Active. The virtual cash is updated to the Seller’s credit account, letting him know that he can start to work on that order. Each transaction will be logged in the system for admins to manage.
Seller withdraws:
When the Seller account reaches the pre-defined minimum payout, the Seller can send a withdrawal request to the Admin. The Admin reviews the request and decides to send the payment to that Seller manually right away or in a monthly routine. The system will show a notification on the Seller’s dashboard.
When the Seller doesn’t complete an order on time or delivers the work poorly, the Buyer can send a dispute request to Admin. On the other hand, if the Seller believes he has done an excellent job, but the Buyer doesn’t accept his work, the Seller can also send a dispute request to Admin.
Admin will be the one to decide the winner of each case and transfer the money to the winner’s credit account. Since the Seller can only withdraw money for the finished dJobs, you have complete control in any dispute cases.
Regular Membership to is free. But you can pay to highlight your dJobs and get an advantage in the competition by selecting your dJob as a Featured ad or applying the Admin to Verify your ad for a small amount to gain customer trust.
Buyers pay a %10 commission from their purchases. Withdrawal or service fees may apply.
Welcome to All on Lab!
If you have excellent skills, we have amazing dJobs. All on Lab has opportunities for all types of fun. So let's turn your little hobby or significant profession into Big Bucks.